The last paper i read

The last paper I read was one for Sociological Theory II. This paper is called ‘’the action theory’ and it is written by Talcot Parsons, who is a North American sociologist.
The teacher recommended this paper to us because in this semester we are going to learn more deeply about sociology, but sincerely I didn’t understand anything of the paper.
As I didn’t understand, obviously I didn’t enjoy it. Also I am in a difficult moment of my university life, or in other words, I am thinking of retiring from the career, so my motivation is even less.
Turning to something that I would like to read more, in first, more papers about Chilean and Latin American social movements that raised with popular and autonomy fundaments, for example the zapatista's movement, and second, more about politic, like the essays from Gramsci, who talk a lot of political theories related to the way to understand the society. I think in these two issues because I am really interested in them and I think they are directly related to social work topics.
Now, about the study, I think I never could catch the fast and stressful rhythm of the university, this implies that the only thing I do when I have too much to study is shut me up in the faculty library to read non-stop.


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